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= Nexus Worlds =
= [[Nexus World|Nexus Worlds]] =

== Overview ==
* [[Earth]]
Nexus Worlds are pivotal planets or realms within the [[Multiverse]] that act as central nodes connecting multiple realities. These worlds are not merely alternate versions of each other but share a common core essence, deeply linking them across dimensions. Nexus Worlds include key locations such as [[Eternia]], the [[Kingdom of Zeal]], and [[Earth]], each existing in different realities but inherently connected.
* [[Third Earth]]
* [[Eternia]]
== The Role of Nexus Worlds in the Multiverse ==
* [[Etheria]]
Nexus Worlds serve several crucial functions in maintaining the balance and stability of the multiverse:
* [[The Kingdom of Zeal]]
* '''Interdimensional Conduits:''' Nexus Worlds function as natural gateways between different realities. Through [[Gate]] and [[Portal Travel]], beings can traverse these Nexus Worlds, making them critical hubs for interdimensional communication and travel.
* '''Stabilizers of Reality:''' The health and stability of a Nexus World directly impact the realities to which they are linked. Disruptions in a Nexus World can ripple across the multiverse, potentially destabilizing entire dimensions. Thus, Nexus Worlds act as stabilizers, ensuring the multiverse remains coherent and aligned.
* '''Anchors for Cosmic Forces:''' These worlds serve as anchor points for cosmic forces and laws that govern reality. Nexus Worlds maintain the harmony of fundamental forces such as time, space, and life across different realities, preventing chaos and entropy.
== The Importance of Nexus Worlds ==
* '''Central Points of Creation:''' Nexus Worlds are sites where the [[Makers]] focused their creative energies. These worlds are reservoirs of cosmic power and knowledge, acting as the birthplaces of powerful artifacts, beings, and civilizations that influence the broader multiverse.
* '''Defense Mechanisms of the Multiverse:''' Nexus Worlds operate as part of the universe's natural immune system. When threatened, they can activate their inherent defenses, which may include the emergence of powerful protectors, artifacts, or phenomena.
* '''Catalysts for Evolution and Ascension:''' The concentrated cosmic energy in Nexus Worlds accelerates the evolution of advanced civilizations and the emergence of beings with extraordinary abilities. These beings, often called [[Angels]] or [[Guardians]], protect their Nexus World and, by extension, the multiverse.
== Earth as a Nexus World ==
* '''Earth's Nexus Status:''' Earth, as a Nexus World, holds a unique position within the multiverse. It is deeply linked to other Nexus Worlds like [[Eternia]] and the [[Kingdom of Zeal]]. Earth's Nexus status allows it to act as a bridge between realities.
* '''Angel Production and Multiversal Immunity:''' Earth's classification as an "Angel Producing Planet" is tied to its role as a Nexus World. [[Angels]] are highly evolved beings who emerge from Earth's unique energy matrix, playing a crucial role in the multiverse's defense.
* '''Strategic Importance:''' Earth is a crucible of spiritual and metaphysical evolution. Its ability to produce Angels is part of a broader strategy to ensure the multiverse remains resilient against corruption and entropy.
== The Makers' Motives and Agenda ==
The [[Makers]] are the primordial beings responsible for creating the multiverse and establishing Nexus Worlds as key components of their grand design. Their motives and agenda include:
* '''Creation of a Balanced Multiverse:''' The Makers intended Nexus Worlds to serve as hubs of creation, evolution, and balance, ensuring a dynamic and evolving multiverse.
* '''Protection and Continuity:''' Nexus Worlds were designed as self-regulating systems capable of countering disruptions, contributing to the protection and continuity of the multiverse.
* '''Guidance and Ascension:''' Nexus Worlds are meant to produce beings who can rise to higher levels of existence, serving as protectors and stewards of the multiverse.
= Nexus World Mechanics =
== Nexus World Interconnectivity ==
[[Nexus Worlds]] are intrinsically linked through complex [[interdimensional networks]], forming the backbone of [[multiversal]] connectivity. These connections enable the following functionalities:
* '''[[Dimensional Overlap]]:''' Nexus Worlds like [[Eternia]], the [[Kingdom of Zeal]], and [[Earth]] exist in parallel [[realities]], but they share a common [[space-time framework]], allowing them to influence each other directly. This overlap is what enables the traversal between these worlds through [[Gate]] and [[Portal Travel]].
* '''[[Interdimensional Pathways]]:''' Specific points within Nexus Worlds, often referred to as [[Nexus Points]], serve as [[gateways]] to other [[realities]]. These Nexus Points are typically found in locations of high [[energy convergence]], such as [[ancient temples]], [[powerful artifacts]], or [[natural vortices]].
* '''[[Energy Transfer and Flow]]:''' Nexus Worlds are critical for the regulation and flow of [[cosmic energy]] throughout the multiverse. [[Energy]] can transfer between these worlds, ensuring the balance of cosmic forces like [[time]], [[space]], and [[life]] across realities. Disruptions in one Nexus World can lead to energy imbalances in others, making the health of each Nexus World crucial for multiversal stability.
== Gate and Portal Travel ==
[[Gate]] and [[Portal Travel]] are the primary means by which entities move between [[Nexus Worlds]]. These mechanisms are ancient [[technologies]] left by the [[Makers]], designed to maintain and regulate interdimensional travel.
* '''[[Gates]]:''' Gates are fixed structures or locations within Nexus Worlds that serve as permanent connections to specific other worlds or realities. They are often large, imposing structures, guarded by [[powerful beings]] or [[wards]] to prevent unauthorized access. Examples include the [[Stargates]] from the [[Stargate SG-1]] universe, which allow travel between planets across different realities.
* '''[[Portals]]:''' Portals are more fluid and dynamic, capable of opening and closing based on the flow of energy and the alignment of cosmic forces. Portals can be temporarily created by beings with sufficient knowledge or power, often in response to specific events or needs. Portals are less stable than Gates and can be influenced by external factors, such as [[magical rituals]] or [[technological devices]].
* '''[[Travel Mechanics]]:'''
    * **[[Activation]]:** Both Gates and Portals require a significant energy source or specific conditions for activation. This can include the alignment of [[celestial bodies]], the use of powerful artifacts, or the presence of a [[Nexus Point]].
    * **[[Navigation]]:** Travelers must possess knowledge of the destination and often require specific [[coordinates]] or keys to navigate between worlds. Incorrect navigation can lead to becoming lost in the [[void]] between realities.
    * **[[Risks]]:** Interdimensional travel is inherently risky. The destabilization of a Gate or Portal can result in catastrophic events, such as [[reality breaches]], [[energy anomalies]], or the release of [[dangerous entities]].
== The Natural Immune System of the Universe ==
[[Nexus Worlds]] function as critical components of the universe's natural [[immune system]], defending against [[existential threats]] that could destabilize the [[multiverse]].
* '''[[Detection of Threats]]:''' Nexus Worlds are sensitive to disturbances within the multiverse. They can detect shifts in cosmic energy, the emergence of [[dark forces]], or anomalies in the flow of time and space. These worlds often respond by activating dormant defenses or calling forth [[protectors]].
* '''[[Activation of Defenses]]:''' When a Nexus World is threatened, it can activate various defense mechanisms. These can include the summoning of powerful beings (like [[Angels]]), the release of ancient energies, or the reactivation of lost technologies. The **[[Kingdom of Zeal]]**, for instance, is known for its ability to harness both magical and technological defenses.
* '''[[Role of Guardian Entities]]:''' Nexus Worlds are often protected by entities specifically evolved or created for this purpose. These can be physical guardians, like **[[He-Man]]** on [[Eternia]], or metaphysical protectors, such as the [[Time Lords]] overseeing [[Earth]]. These guardians play a key role in maintaining the balance and preventing corruption or destruction.
== Angel Production and Nexus Worlds ==
One of the most critical functions of a [[Nexus World]], particularly [[Earth]], is the production of **[[Angels]]**—highly evolved, transcendent beings that embody the essence of the [[Makers]]' creation.
* '''[[What Are Angels]]?'''
    * **[[Angels]]** are advanced life forms that have reached a state of [[ascension]], gaining powers and knowledge far beyond those of ordinary beings. They are often viewed as protectors and enforcers of cosmic laws.
    * **[[Creation]]:** Angels are typically born from the unique energy matrix of Nexus Worlds, where the convergence of cosmic forces creates conditions favorable for their evolution.
* '''[[Earth as an Angel Producing Planet]]:'''
    * **[[Energy Matrix]]:** Earth's energy matrix is particularly conducive to the creation of Angels. The planet's unique position as a Nexus World means it is bathed in a constant flow of cosmic energy, which accelerates spiritual and metaphysical evolution.
    * **[[Role in the Multiverse]]:** The Angels produced by Earth play a vital role in maintaining multiversal balance. They often act as interdimensional agents, capable of traveling between Nexus Worlds to address threats and restore harmony.
* '''[[Cosmic Significance]]:''' The production of Angels is not just a byproduct of Earth's Nexus status but a deliberate design by the [[Makers]]. The creation of these beings ensures that the multiverse has a constant supply of protectors and guides, safeguarding the integrity of creation.
= The Science of Nexus Worlds =
== Theoretical Foundations ==
=== Multiversal Theory and Nexus Worlds ===
[[Nexus Worlds]] are critical to the understanding of the [[multiverse]], a theoretical construct where multiple [[realities]] or [[universes]] coexist simultaneously, often intersecting at specific points known as Nexus Worlds. According to multiversal theory, these Nexus points serve as both physical and metaphysical bridges between these realities, enabling the transfer of matter, energy, and information across dimensions.
'''''Quantum Entanglement in Nexus Worlds:'''''
Nexus Worlds are believed to be linked through a phenomenon akin to [[quantum entanglement]], where particles, and in this case, entire worlds, are interconnected regardless of the distance separating them. Changes in the quantum state of one Nexus World can instantaneously affect the others, which forms the basis for [[dimensional overlap]] and inter-world interactions.
'''''Brane Cosmology and Multiversal Structure:'''''
In [[brane cosmology]], Nexus Worlds can be viewed as intersections or nodes within higher-dimensional membranes, or ''branes.'' These branes float within a higher-dimensional space known as the ''bulk.'' The intersection of these branes, where Nexus Worlds reside, allows for the flow of cosmic forces and the creation of stable gateways between different branes (realities).
== Spacetime Dynamics in Nexus Worlds ==
=== Space-Time Fabric and Nexus Points ===
Nexus Worlds are regions where the fabric of [[space-time]] is significantly more complex and malleable than in ordinary universes. This is due to the concentration of cosmic energies and the deep links binding these worlds across the multiverse.
'''''Curvature of Space-Time:'''''
The presence of multiple Nexus Worlds in proximity causes a unique curvature in space-time, described mathematically by the modified [[Einstein Field Equations]]:
<math>G_{\mu\nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu\nu} = 8 \pi G T_{\mu\nu} + \beta N_{\mu\nu}</math>
* <math>G_{\mu\nu}</math> represents the curvature of space-time,
* <math>\Lambda g_{\mu\nu}</math> is the cosmological constant,
* <math>T_{\mu\nu}</math> denotes the energy-momentum tensor,
* <math>\beta N_{\mu\nu}</math> introduces a new term specific to Nexus Worlds, where <math>\beta</math> represents the influence of Nexus World connections on space-time curvature.
'''''Nexus Points as Gravitational Wells:'''''
Nexus Points can be understood as gravitational wells within the fabric of space-time, where the gravitational pull is not just a function of mass but also of the interdimensional energy flow. The mathematical representation of this gravitational anomaly can be expressed as:
<math>\Phi(r) = -\frac{GM}{r} \left(1 + \frac{\gamma}{r^2} \right)</math>
Where <math>\Phi(r)</math> is the potential at a distance <math>r</math> from the Nexus Point, <math>G</math> is the gravitational constant, <math>M</math> is the mass, and <math>\gamma</math> is a parameter related to the interdimensional energy influence.
=== Temporal Mechanics and Multiversal Time ===
Time within Nexus Worlds operates differently than in ordinary realms, leading to phenomena such as time dilation, time loops, and cross-temporal interactions.
'''''Time Dilation and Nexus Energy:'''''
The flow of time can be heavily influenced by the presence of Nexus energy. This can be modeled using the [[general relativity]] framework, where time dilation is described by:
<math>\Delta t = \frac{\Delta t_0}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{2\Phi(r)}{c^2}}}</math>
Here, <math>\Delta t_0</math> is the proper time, <math>\Phi(r)</math> is the gravitational potential influenced by Nexus energy, and <math>c</math> is the speed of light.
'''''Multiversal Time Continuum:'''''
Nexus Worlds are theorized to be aligned on a [[Multiversal Time Continuum]], where different realities can have asynchronous time flows but maintain a relative synchronization at Nexus Points. The time evolution of such a system can be represented by a modified [[Schrödinger equation]]:
<math>i\hbar \frac{\partial \Psi(t)}{\partial t} = \left[ H_0 + \alpha H_{\text{Nexus}} \right] \Psi(t)</math>
* <math>\Psi(t)</math> is the time-dependent wave function of the multiversal state,
* <math>H_0</math> is the Hamiltonian of the isolated universe,
* <math>H_{\text{Nexus}}</math> represents the Nexus interaction term, and <math>\alpha</math> is a coupling constant specific to the Nexus effect.
== Energy Dynamics in Nexus Worlds ==
=== Nexus Energy Fields ===
Nexus Worlds are sites of concentrated cosmic energy, known as [[Nexus Energy Fields]], which exhibit unique properties not found in regular space-time. These fields are the source of the immense power and stability that Nexus Worlds provide.
'''''Nexus Energy Density:'''''
The energy density within a Nexus World can be described by an extension of the [[Einstein Energy Equation]]:
<math>E = \rho c^2 + \delta N_{\text{Nexus}}</math>
* <math>\rho</math> is the mass-energy density,
* <math>c</math> is the speed of light,
* <math>\delta N_{\text{Nexus}}</math> is the additional energy contribution from Nexus Fields, which depends on the strength and configuration of interdimensional connections.
'''''Energy Exchange Between Nexus Worlds:'''''
Energy exchange between Nexus Worlds follows a unique set of conservation laws, modified by the presence of Nexus Fields. The inter-world energy transfer can be modeled as:
<math>\frac{dE_i}{dt} + \frac{dE_j}{dt} = \frac{\sigma_{ij}}{\lambda} \left( E_i - E_j \right)</math>
* <math>E_i</math> and <math>E_j</math> are the energies of Nexus Worlds <math>i</math> and <math>j</math>,
* <math>\sigma_{ij}</math> is the energy transfer coefficient,
* <math>\lambda</math> is a characteristic length scale of the Nexus Field.
== Mathematical Representation of Nexus Forces ==
=== Nexus Forces and Their Equations ===
Nexus Worlds exert unique forces within the multiverse, influencing other realities and stabilizing the multiversal structure.
'''''Nexus Gravitational Force:'''''
Nexus Worlds generate a modified gravitational force, influenced by the interdimensional connections. The force can be expressed as:
<math>F_{\text{Nexus}} = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2} \left(1 + \frac{\kappa}{r^3}\right)</math>
* <math>G</math> is the gravitational constant,
* <math>m_1</math> and <math>m_2</math> are the masses,
* <math>r</math> is the distance between the objects,
* <math>\kappa</math> is the Nexus coupling constant.
'''''Nexus Electromagnetic Fields:'''''
Nexus Worlds also influence electromagnetic fields, particularly at Nexus Points where interdimensional currents converge. The Nexus-modified Maxwell equations are:
<math>\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} = \frac{\rho_{\text{charge}}}{\epsilon_0} + \sigma_{\text{Nexus}}</math>
<math>\nabla \times \mathbf{B} - \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t} = \mu_0 \mathbf{J} + \gamma_{\text{Nexus}} \mathbf{E}</math>
* <math>\mathbf{E}</math> and <math>\mathbf{B}</math> are the electric and magnetic fields,
* <math>\epsilon_0</math> and <math>\mu_0</math> are the permittivity and permeability of free space,
* <math>\sigma_{\text{Nexus}}</math> and <math>\gamma_{\text{Nexus}}</math> are Nexus-specific field parameters.
= Advanced Mathematical and Scientific Principles of Nexus Worlds =
== Advanced Spacetime Dynamics ==
=== The Nexus Metric ===
The unique geometry of [[spacetime]] within Nexus Worlds is characterized by a distinct metric that accounts for the multidimensional connections and the influence of [[Nexus Energy Fields]]. The Nexus Metric can be expressed as an extension of the [[Einstein Field Equations]], incorporating additional terms for interdimensional interactions.
<math>ds^2 = -\left(1 - \frac{2GM}{r} + \frac{\beta N_{\text{Nexus}}}{r^n} \right)dt^2 + \left(1 - \frac{2GM}{r} + \frac{\beta N_{\text{Nexus}}}{r^n} \right)^{-1}dr^2 + r^2 d\Omega^2</math>
* <math>ds^2</math> is the line element representing the spacetime interval.
* <math>G</math> is the gravitational constant.
* <math>M</math> is the mass of the object.
* <math>r</math> is the radial coordinate.
* <math>\beta N_{\text{Nexus}}</math> is the Nexus-specific energy term.
* <math>n</math> is a dimensional parameter related to the influence of higher dimensions.
This equation modifies the standard Schwarzschild metric by including the term <math>\frac{\beta N_{\text{Nexus}}}{r^n}</math>, which accounts for the influence of Nexus Energy Fields on the curvature of spacetime. This term becomes significant near Nexus Points, where interdimensional forces are strongest.
=== Multidimensional Gravitational Interactions ===
In Nexus Worlds, gravity is not confined to three dimensions but extends into higher-dimensional spaces (often referred to as "branes"). The gravitational interaction can be modeled using a generalized form of Newton's law, incorporating extra dimensions:
<math>F_{\text{Nexus}} = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^{2+n}} \left(1 + \frac{\kappa}{r^3}\right)</math>
* <math>F_{\text{Nexus}}</math> is the gravitational force between two masses.
* <math>n</math> is the number of additional dimensions.
* <math>\kappa</math> is the coupling constant that accounts for Nexus Energy influences.
This equation suggests that gravity weakens less rapidly with distance in the presence of additional dimensions, which is why Nexus Worlds, despite their distance, have profound effects on one another.
== Temporal Dynamics and Multiverse Synchronization ==
=== Time Loop Formation ===
Nexus Worlds are prone to the formation of time loops due to their complex interaction with the fabric of spacetime. A time loop occurs when a temporal sequence repeats itself indefinitely within a confined region. The formation of such loops can be described by the following condition derived from the [[Gödel metric]]:
<math>\oint_C \left( g_{\mu \nu} u^\mu dx^\nu \right) = 0</math>
* <math>C</math> is the closed path representing the time loop.
* <math>g_{\mu \nu}</math> is the metric tensor of the spacetime.
* <math>u^\mu</math> is the four-velocity of the observer.
When this condition is satisfied, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is formed, creating a time loop. Such phenomena are more likely to occur near Nexus Points where spacetime curvature is extreme.
=== Nexus-Driven Time Dilation ===
The interaction between Nexus Energy Fields and spacetime can lead to significant time dilation effects. The dilation factor <math>\gamma_{\text{Nexus}}</math> can be calculated using a modified version of the Lorentz factor:
<math>\gamma_{\text{Nexus}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2} - \frac{2\Phi_{\text{Nexus}}(r)}{c^2}}}</math>
* <math>v</math> is the velocity of the observer.
* <math>\Phi_{\text{Nexus}}(r)</math> is the Nexus-specific gravitational potential.
This equation indicates that time dilation is more pronounced in regions with strong Nexus Energy Fields, leading to slower passage of time relative to regions outside of Nexus influence.
== Nexus Energy Field Theory ==
=== Energy Density Tensor ===
The distribution of energy within Nexus Worlds is described by an energy density tensor that extends the traditional energy-momentum tensor to account for Nexus-specific contributions:
<math>T^{\mu\nu}_{\text{Nexus}} = \rho u^\mu u^\nu + p\left(g^{\mu\nu} + \frac{\delta N^{\mu\nu}_{\text{Nexus}}}{c^2}\right)</math>
* <math>\rho</math> is the energy density.
* <math>u^\mu</math> is the four-velocity of the energy flow.
* <math>p</math> is the pressure.
* <math>\delta N^{\mu\nu}_{\text{Nexus}}</math> is the Nexus Energy Field contribution to the stress-energy tensor.
This tensor provides a comprehensive description of how energy is distributed and flows within a Nexus World, accounting for both conventional and Nexus-specific effects.
=== Interdimensional Energy Flux ===
Energy exchange between Nexus Worlds is facilitated by interdimensional energy flux, which can be quantified using the following flux equation:
<math>\Phi_{\text{Nexus}} = \int_S \mathbf{E}_{\text{Nexus}} \cdot d\mathbf{A} + \int_V \frac{\partial \mathbf{B}_{\text{Nexus}}}{\partial t} dV</math>
* <math>\Phi_{\text{Nexus}}</math> is the Nexus energy flux.
* <math>\mathbf{E}_{\text{Nexus}}</math> and <math>\mathbf{B}_{\text{Nexus}}</math> are the Nexus-specific electric and magnetic fields.
* <math>S</math> is the surface area through which the flux passes.
* <math>V</math> is the volume under consideration.
This equation highlights how Nexus Energy Fields interact with electromagnetic fields to facilitate the transfer of energy across dimensions.
== Advanced Mathematical Models of Nexus Forces ==
=== Nexus-Modified Maxwell Equations ===
The behavior of electromagnetic fields in Nexus Worlds is governed by modified Maxwell equations that include additional terms for Nexus influences:
<math>\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} = \frac{\rho_{\text{charge}}}{\epsilon_0} + \sigma_{\text{Nexus}}</math>
<math>\nabla \times \mathbf{B} - \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t} = \mu_0 \mathbf{J} + \gamma_{\text{Nexus}} \mathbf{E}</math>
<math>\nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} = 0</math>
<math>\nabla \times \mathbf{E} + \frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t} = 0</math>
* <math>\sigma_{\text{Nexus}}</math> and <math>\gamma_{\text{Nexus}}</math> are Nexus-specific field parameters.
These equations describe how electromagnetic fields are altered by the presence of Nexus Energy Fields, leading to unique phenomena such as altered light propagation, energy anomalies, and interdimensional field interactions.
=== Nexus Gravitational Waves ===
Nexus Worlds generate gravitational waves that propagate through higher dimensions, carrying energy and information across the multiverse. The equation governing these waves is a modified version of the standard gravitational wave equation:
<math>\Box h_{\mu\nu} + \Lambda_{\text{Nexus}} h_{\mu\nu} = \frac{16\pi G}{c^4} T_{\mu\nu}</math>
* <math>\Box</math> is the d'Alembertian operator.
* <math>h_{\mu\nu}</math> is the perturbation to the metric tensor representing the gravitational wave.
* <math>\Lambda_{\text{Nexus}}</math> is the Nexus-specific cosmological constant.
* <math>T_{\mu\nu}</math> is the energy-momentum tensor.
The term <math>\Lambda_{\text{Nexus}}</math> introduces modifications to the wave's behavior based on the Nexus Energy Field interactions, leading to potentially observable differences in wave patterns and energy dissipation.
== Conclusion ==
This page delves into the advanced mathematical and scientific principles that define the operation of Nexus Worlds. Through the use of complex equations and models, we begin to understand the profound impact these worlds have on the fabric of reality, from altering spacetime dynamics to influencing gravitational and electromagnetic forces across dimensions. Nexus Worlds, with their intricate and interwoven energies, play a central role in the stability and evolution of the multiverse, governed by laws that challenge the very limits of our understanding.
The scientific and mathematical frameworks that describe Nexus Worlds are essential to understanding their unique role within the multiverse. From quantum entanglement to the manipulation of space-time and energy, Nexus Worlds operate according to advanced principles that bind the fabric of reality. Further exploration of these concepts will deepen our comprehension of the forces that govern the multiverse and the pivotal role Nexus Worlds play in its stability.
[[Nexus Worlds]], such as [[Eternia]], the [[Kingdom of Zeal]], and [[Earth]], are essential to the structure and stability of the [[multiverse]]. They are [[interdimensional hubs]] that maintain balance, produce [[guardians]], and act as the universe's natural immune system. Understanding the mechanics of these worlds and their significance is crucial for comprehending the broader workings of the multiverse and the ongoing efforts to preserve its integrity.
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Latest revision as of 14:30, 13 August 2024