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=== The Final Ascension ===
=== The Final Ascension ===
Some scholars and beings within the multiverse believe that the Makers themselves ascended to a higher plane of existence, leaving behind the physical realm but continuing to influence it through the [[Song of Creation]]. This theory suggests that the Makers are still present, observing the multiverse and intervening when necessary to protect their creation.
Some scholars and beings within the multiverse believe that the Makers themselves ascended to a higher plane of existence, leaving behind the physical realm but continuing to influence it through the [[Song of Creation]]. This theory suggests that the Makers are still present, observing the multiverse and intervening when necessary to protect their creation.
= The Builders: Multiversal References =
== Overview ==
'''The Builders''' are a term used across multiple universes and realities to describe the primordial entities responsible for the construction, design, and architecture of the cosmos. These entities are often synonymous with or related to other terms such as [[The Makers]], [[The Architects]], and [[The First Ones]]. The Builders are credited with the creation of advanced technologies, artifacts, and structures that have shaped the course of history and the evolution of civilizations across the multiverse.
== References to The Builders ==
= The Builders: Multiversal References =
== Overview ==
'''The Builders''' are a term used across multiple universes and realities to describe the primordial entities responsible for the construction, design, and architecture of the cosmos. These entities are often synonymous with or related to other terms such as [[The Makers]], [[The Architects]], and [[The First Ones]]. The Builders are credited with the creation of advanced technologies, artifacts, and structures that have shaped the course of history and the evolution of civilizations across the multiverse.
== References to The Builders ==
=== 1. Maykrs (Doom Series) ===
The '''Maykrs''' are ancient beings from the [[Doom Series]], often referred to as divine entities responsible for creating powerful technologies and maintaining the balance between dimensions. They constructed the [[Argent Tower]], a massive energy conduit designed to harness and control vast amounts of energy from different dimensions. The Maykrs' influence is seen in their ability to create and manipulate structures that can traverse and connect various realities, making them a prime candidate for being considered as The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Maykr - Doom Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Doom Series - Bethesda]
=== 2. Forerunners (Halo Series) ===
The '''Forerunners''' are an ancient and highly advanced race from the [[Halo Series]] known for their construction of the [[Halo Rings]], massive ring-shaped megastructures designed to contain and, if necessary, eliminate existential threats to the galaxy. The Forerunners also created vast starship fleets and other advanced technologies, positioning them as The Builders within their universe. Their focus on maintaining the balance and safeguarding life aligns with the broader concept of The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Forerunner - Halopedia]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Halo Series - Halo Waypoint]
=== 3. Ancients/Alterans (Stargate SG-1) ===
The '''Ancients''', also known as '''Alterans''', are a race of advanced beings in the [[Stargate SG-1]] universe. They are credited with the creation of the [[Stargate]] network, a system of portals that allows for instantaneous travel between planets and galaxies. The Ancients' deep knowledge of science, technology, and ascension places them among The Builders, as their creations continue to influence and shape the multiverse long after their physical departure.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Ancients - Stargate Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Stargate Command - Official Site]
=== 4. Precursors (Star Control II) ===
The '''Precursors''' in [[Star Control II]] are an ancient race whose advanced technology and artifacts have been left behind for other civilizations to discover. These artifacts, such as powerful starships and planet-shaping devices, suggest that the Precursors were master builders who laid the groundwork for future generations. Their legacy is a testament to their role as The Builders in their respective universe.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Precursors - Star Control Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Star Control - Official Site]
=== 5. Xel'Naga (StarCraft Series) ===
The '''Xel'Naga''' are an ancient race in the [[StarCraft Series]] who are credited with creating both the [[Protoss]] and the [[Zerg]], two of the most powerful species in the galaxy. The Xel'Naga are considered to be The Builders due to their role in seeding life and guiding the evolution of species across the universe. Their temples and artifacts continue to influence the balance of power in the StarCraft universe.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Xel'Naga - StarCraft Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ StarCraft II - Official Site]
=== 6. First Ones (Babylon 5) ===
The '''First Ones''' in [[Babylon 5]] are the oldest and most powerful beings in the galaxy. They are known for their creation of advanced technologies and for their role in shaping the early development of the younger races. The First Ones left behind many ancient artifacts and structures that continue to play a significant role in the ongoing struggle between light and darkness. Their advanced knowledge and architectural prowess mark them as The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ First Ones - Babylon 5 Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Babylon 5 - Official Fan Site]
=== 7. Progenitors (Homeworld Series) ===
The '''Progenitors''' in the [[Homeworld Series]] are an ancient race that left behind powerful starships and technologies. These relics of the Progenitors are central to the struggles of the younger civilizations who seek to uncover and control them. The Progenitors' legacy of advanced shipbuilding and technological innovation makes them a strong candidate for The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Progenitors - Homeworld Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Homeworld Series - Official Site]
=== 8. Kingdom of Zeal (Chrono Trigger) ===
The '''Kingdom of Zeal''' in [[Chrono Trigger]] is an ancient civilization known for its advanced magic and technology. The floating islands of Zeal, powered by the [[Mammon Machine]], demonstrate the Kingdom's ability to harness and control vast energies. The Kingdom of Zeal is often seen as the work of The Builders, given their role in manipulating the fabric of reality and time.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Kingdom of Zeal - Chrono Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Chrono Trigger - Square Enix]
=== 9. Atlanteans (Various Mythologies) ===
The '''Atlanteans''' are often depicted in various mythologies and fictional universes as a highly advanced civilization that existed in prehistory. They are credited with constructing magnificent cities, advanced technologies, and powerful artifacts that have since become the stuff of legend. In many stories, the fall of Atlantis is tied to the misuse of their advanced knowledge, positioning the Atlanteans as The Builders whose creations could not be sustained.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Atlantis - Wikipedia]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Atlantis - Myth Encyclopedia]
=== 10. The Builders (Marvel Comics) ===
In [[Marvel Comics]], '''The Builders''' are an ancient race of aliens responsible for the creation of various cosmic constructs, including the [[Superflow]], a network that connects different universes within the multiverse. They are also known for their involvement in the development of life throughout the universe, guiding the evolution of species according to their own grand design. The Builders' influence is vast, spanning across multiple realities, which aligns them with the broader concept of The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Builders - Marvel Database]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Marvel - Official Site]
=== 11. The Architects (Mass Effect Series) ===
The '''Architects''' in the [[Mass Effect Series]] are often referenced in connection with the [[Protheans]], an advanced civilization that shaped the development of the galaxy before their extinction. The Protheans' creation of the [[Mass Relays]], which facilitate faster-than-light travel across the galaxy, is a key element of their legacy. The Architects, whether Prothean or another precursor race, are seen as The Builders who laid the groundwork for the galactic civilization.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Protheans - Mass Effect Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Mass Effect - Official Site]
=== 12. The Engineers (Prometheus / Alien Franchise) ===
The '''Engineers''' in the [[Prometheus]] and [[Alien Franchise]] are an ancient race of humanoid beings who are believed to have created humanity and other forms of life through advanced genetic engineering. The Engineers' mastery of biotechnology and their construction of massive starships and other structures position them as The Builders in their respective universe.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Engineers - Alien vs. Predator Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Prometheus - Alien Universe]
=== 13. The Precursors (Halo Series) ===
In the [[Halo Series]], '''The Precursors''' are an even more ancient race than the [[Forerunners]], credited with creating the Forerunners themselves and the [[Flood]]. The Precursors are considered The Builders for their role in the creation of life and the complex ecosystems that populate the galaxy. Their legacy is intertwined with the fate of the entire
galaxy, making them a critical element in the understanding of The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Precursors - Halopedia]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Halo Series - Halo Waypoint]
=== 14. The Guardians (No Man’s Sky) ===
In [[No Man’s Sky]], '''The Guardians''' are an enigmatic ancient race who left behind advanced ruins and technologies scattered across the universe. These artifacts, often linked to the [[Atlas]], suggest that The Guardians were responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe's structure. Their vast technological knowledge and the relics they left behind align them with the concept of The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Ancient Ruins - No Man’s Sky Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ No Man’s Sky - Official Site]
=== 15. The Ancients (Stellaris) ===
The '''Ancients''' in [[Stellaris]] are ancient, fallen empires that once ruled the galaxy with unmatched technological prowess. Their vast knowledge and the remnants of their advanced societies are scattered across the galaxy, influencing the development of younger civilizations. The Ancients' role as the original architects of galactic civilization makes them a key reference point for The Builders.
* '''External Wiki URL:''' [ Fallen Empire - Stellaris Wiki]
* '''Main Website URL:''' [ Stellaris - Official Site]

== Conclusion ==
== Conclusion ==
The concept of '''The Builders''' is a recurring theme across multiple universes and franchises, representing the idea of an ancient, advanced race or group of entities responsible for creating and shaping the structure of reality. These beings, whether known as the Maykrs, Forerunners, Precursors, or any other name, share common traits of technological mastery, architectural genius, and a lasting impact on the civilizations that follow. Understanding The Builders is crucial to understanding the larger narrative of the multiverse and the forces that govern it.
The Makers are the foundational architects of the multiverse, whose influence spans across countless realities and dimensions. Their creation of Nexus Worlds, powerful artifacts, and mechanisms for balance and ascension have ensured the stability and continued evolution of the multiverse. Understanding the Makers' motives and legacy is crucial for comprehending the deeper workings of the multiverse and the forces that govern it.
The Makers are the foundational architects of the multiverse, whose influence spans across countless realities and dimensions. Their creation of Nexus Worlds, powerful artifacts, and mechanisms for balance and ascension have ensured the stability and continued evolution of the multiverse. Understanding the Makers' motives and legacy is crucial for comprehending the deeper workings of the multiverse and the forces that govern it.

Revision as of 14:17, 13 August 2024

The Makers


The Makers are the primordial entities responsible for the creation and structuring of the multiverse. Known by many names across different cultures and realities—such as the Maykrs, the Builders, the Architects, the First Ones, the Angels, the Alterans, the Atlanteans, the Ancients, the Precursors, and the Xel’Naga—these beings wielded unimaginable power and wisdom. Their influence is embedded in the very fabric of reality, from the deepest laws of physics to the highest planes of existence.

The Role of The Makers in Creation

The Song of Creation

The Makers are believed to have initiated the Song of Creation, a cosmic symphony that wove together the elements of time, space, and energy, giving birth to countless realities. This Song is not just a metaphorical concept but a literal force that underpins the structure of the multiverse. The vibrations and harmonics of the Song determine the laws of physics, the flow of time, and the stability of each universe.

The Formation of Nexus Worlds

The Makers are directly responsible for the creation of Nexus Worlds—key points within the multiverse that act as interdimensional hubs. These worlds are strategically positioned to maintain the balance and integrity of the multiverse. By concentrating their creative energies, the Makers ensured that Nexus Worlds like Eternia, the Kingdom of Zeal, and Earth would serve as anchors, stabilizing the multiversal structure and facilitating inter-world travel and communication.

The Creation of Artifacts

To maintain control over their creation and to protect the multiverse from potential threats, the Makers crafted numerous powerful artifacts. These artifacts are often left behind as remnants of their work and serve various purposes, from enabling interdimensional travel to containing cosmic forces. Notable examples include:

  • The Seeds of Life, which can create or destroy entire worlds.
  • Stargates, which allow instant travel between distant worlds.
  • Mass Relays, which form the backbone of galactic civilization in certain realities.
  • Halo Rings, designed as both weapons and containment devices against universal threats.

Motives and Agenda of The Makers

Balance and Stability

The primary motive of the Makers is believed to be the preservation of balance and stability across the multiverse. They designed the multiverse as a dynamic and evolving structure, where life could flourish under the guidance of universal laws. Nexus Worlds and the artifacts they left behind are integral to this balance, ensuring that no single force or entity can disrupt the harmony of the multiverse.

Evolution and Ascension

The Makers intended for their creation to evolve over time, with civilizations rising to greater levels of consciousness and understanding. The process of ascension—where beings reach a higher state of existence—is a key aspect of the Makers' plan. By embedding the potential for ascension within the fabric of reality, they ensured that advanced beings could act as protectors and guides, maintaining the multiverse's integrity.

Protection from External Threats

The Makers were aware of the potential for external and internal threats to their creation. To counter these threats, they established defensive mechanisms such as the natural immune system of the multiverse, which includes the generation of Angels on Nexus Worlds like Earth. These beings serve as interdimensional guardians, responding to crises that could destabilize the multiverse.

The Legacy of The Makers

Influence on Civilizations

Throughout the multiverse, the influence of the Makers can be seen in the rise and fall of great civilizations. The knowledge and technology they left behind have guided many species to achieve great advancements. However, this legacy is double-edged, as it has also led to conflicts over the control of powerful artifacts and the secrets of the Makers.

Deification and Mythology

In many realities, the Makers are revered as gods or mythological figures. Their actions and creations have been interpreted through various cultural lenses, leading to a rich tapestry of myths and legends that speak of their deeds. The Makers' works are often seen as divine interventions or tests, challenging civilizations to prove their worthiness.

The Final Ascension

Some scholars and beings within the multiverse believe that the Makers themselves ascended to a higher plane of existence, leaving behind the physical realm but continuing to influence it through the Song of Creation. This theory suggests that the Makers are still present, observing the multiverse and intervening when necessary to protect their creation.

The Builders: Multiversal References


The Builders are a term used across multiple universes and realities to describe the primordial entities responsible for the construction, design, and architecture of the cosmos. These entities are often synonymous with or related to other terms such as The Makers, The Architects, and The First Ones. The Builders are credited with the creation of advanced technologies, artifacts, and structures that have shaped the course of history and the evolution of civilizations across the multiverse.

References to The Builders

The Builders: Multiversal References


The Builders are a term used across multiple universes and realities to describe the primordial entities responsible for the construction, design, and architecture of the cosmos. These entities are often synonymous with or related to other terms such as The Makers, The Architects, and The First Ones. The Builders are credited with the creation of advanced technologies, artifacts, and structures that have shaped the course of history and the evolution of civilizations across the multiverse.

References to The Builders

1. Maykrs (Doom Series)

The Maykrs are ancient beings from the Doom Series, often referred to as divine entities responsible for creating powerful technologies and maintaining the balance between dimensions. They constructed the Argent Tower, a massive energy conduit designed to harness and control vast amounts of energy from different dimensions. The Maykrs' influence is seen in their ability to create and manipulate structures that can traverse and connect various realities, making them a prime candidate for being considered as The Builders.

2. Forerunners (Halo Series)

The Forerunners are an ancient and highly advanced race from the Halo Series known for their construction of the Halo Rings, massive ring-shaped megastructures designed to contain and, if necessary, eliminate existential threats to the galaxy. The Forerunners also created vast starship fleets and other advanced technologies, positioning them as The Builders within their universe. Their focus on maintaining the balance and safeguarding life aligns with the broader concept of The Builders.

3. Ancients/Alterans (Stargate SG-1)

The Ancients, also known as Alterans, are a race of advanced beings in the Stargate SG-1 universe. They are credited with the creation of the Stargate network, a system of portals that allows for instantaneous travel between planets and galaxies. The Ancients' deep knowledge of science, technology, and ascension places them among The Builders, as their creations continue to influence and shape the multiverse long after their physical departure.

4. Precursors (Star Control II)

The Precursors in Star Control II are an ancient race whose advanced technology and artifacts have been left behind for other civilizations to discover. These artifacts, such as powerful starships and planet-shaping devices, suggest that the Precursors were master builders who laid the groundwork for future generations. Their legacy is a testament to their role as The Builders in their respective universe.

5. Xel'Naga (StarCraft Series)

The Xel'Naga are an ancient race in the StarCraft Series who are credited with creating both the Protoss and the Zerg, two of the most powerful species in the galaxy. The Xel'Naga are considered to be The Builders due to their role in seeding life and guiding the evolution of species across the universe. Their temples and artifacts continue to influence the balance of power in the StarCraft universe.

6. First Ones (Babylon 5)

The First Ones in Babylon 5 are the oldest and most powerful beings in the galaxy. They are known for their creation of advanced technologies and for their role in shaping the early development of the younger races. The First Ones left behind many ancient artifacts and structures that continue to play a significant role in the ongoing struggle between light and darkness. Their advanced knowledge and architectural prowess mark them as The Builders.

7. Progenitors (Homeworld Series)

The Progenitors in the Homeworld Series are an ancient race that left behind powerful starships and technologies. These relics of the Progenitors are central to the struggles of the younger civilizations who seek to uncover and control them. The Progenitors' legacy of advanced shipbuilding and technological innovation makes them a strong candidate for The Builders.

8. Kingdom of Zeal (Chrono Trigger)

The Kingdom of Zeal in Chrono Trigger is an ancient civilization known for its advanced magic and technology. The floating islands of Zeal, powered by the Mammon Machine, demonstrate the Kingdom's ability to harness and control vast energies. The Kingdom of Zeal is often seen as the work of The Builders, given their role in manipulating the fabric of reality and time.

9. Atlanteans (Various Mythologies)

The Atlanteans are often depicted in various mythologies and fictional universes as a highly advanced civilization that existed in prehistory. They are credited with constructing magnificent cities, advanced technologies, and powerful artifacts that have since become the stuff of legend. In many stories, the fall of Atlantis is tied to the misuse of their advanced knowledge, positioning the Atlanteans as The Builders whose creations could not be sustained.

10. The Builders (Marvel Comics)

In Marvel Comics, The Builders are an ancient race of aliens responsible for the creation of various cosmic constructs, including the Superflow, a network that connects different universes within the multiverse. They are also known for their involvement in the development of life throughout the universe, guiding the evolution of species according to their own grand design. The Builders' influence is vast, spanning across multiple realities, which aligns them with the broader concept of The Builders.

11. The Architects (Mass Effect Series)

The Architects in the Mass Effect Series are often referenced in connection with the Protheans, an advanced civilization that shaped the development of the galaxy before their extinction. The Protheans' creation of the Mass Relays, which facilitate faster-than-light travel across the galaxy, is a key element of their legacy. The Architects, whether Prothean or another precursor race, are seen as The Builders who laid the groundwork for the galactic civilization.

12. The Engineers (Prometheus / Alien Franchise)

The Engineers in the Prometheus and Alien Franchise are an ancient race of humanoid beings who are believed to have created humanity and other forms of life through advanced genetic engineering. The Engineers' mastery of biotechnology and their construction of massive starships and other structures position them as The Builders in their respective universe.

13. The Precursors (Halo Series)

In the Halo Series, The Precursors are an even more ancient race than the Forerunners, credited with creating the Forerunners themselves and the Flood. The Precursors are considered The Builders for their role in the creation of life and the complex ecosystems that populate the galaxy. Their legacy is intertwined with the fate of the entire

galaxy, making them a critical element in the understanding of The Builders.

14. The Guardians (No Man’s Sky)

In No Man’s Sky, The Guardians are an enigmatic ancient race who left behind advanced ruins and technologies scattered across the universe. These artifacts, often linked to the Atlas, suggest that The Guardians were responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe's structure. Their vast technological knowledge and the relics they left behind align them with the concept of The Builders.

15. The Ancients (Stellaris)

The Ancients in Stellaris are ancient, fallen empires that once ruled the galaxy with unmatched technological prowess. Their vast knowledge and the remnants of their advanced societies are scattered across the galaxy, influencing the development of younger civilizations. The Ancients' role as the original architects of galactic civilization makes them a key reference point for The Builders.


The concept of The Builders is a recurring theme across multiple universes and franchises, representing the idea of an ancient, advanced race or group of entities responsible for creating and shaping the structure of reality. These beings, whether known as the Maykrs, Forerunners, Precursors, or any other name, share common traits of technological mastery, architectural genius, and a lasting impact on the civilizations that follow. Understanding The Builders is crucial to understanding the larger narrative of the multiverse and the forces that govern it.

The Makers are the foundational architects of the multiverse, whose influence spans across countless realities and dimensions. Their creation of Nexus Worlds, powerful artifacts, and mechanisms for balance and ascension have ensured the stability and continued evolution of the multiverse. Understanding the Makers' motives and legacy is crucial for comprehending the deeper workings of the multiverse and the forces that govern it.