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== [[Quasiparticles]] ==
= [[QuasiParticles]] =
[[File:Quasiparticle_Illustration.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Illustration of various types of quasiparticles in a crystal lattice]]

Quasiparticles are emergent phenomena that occur in many-body systems, where the collective behavior of particles can be described as if they were single particle-like entities. Unlike elementary particles, which are fundamental and cannot be broken down into smaller components, quasiparticles arise from the interactions between multiple particles in a condensed matter system.
== List of Common Quasiparticles ==

Quasiparticles play a crucial role in understanding the complex behaviors of materials, especially in condensed matter physics. They simplify the description of the collective excitations and interactions within a system, making it easier to predict and explain the material's properties. Some common examples of quasiparticles include [[Phonons]], [[Magnons]], and [[Plasmons]].
=== [[Phonons]] ===
* '''Description''': [[Quasiparticles]] that represent quantized vibrations in a crystal lattice.
* '''Role''': Important in understanding thermal conductivity and sound propagation in solids.
* '''See also''': [[Phononic Crystals]], [[Phonon-Phonon Interactions]]

The concept of quasiparticles has broad applications, from explaining thermal conductivity in solids to advancing quantum computing technologies. Each type of quasiparticle represents a specific kind of collective excitation, such as vibrational, spin-related, or charge-related phenomena, and is essential in various areas of material science and quantum mechanics.
=== [[Magnons]] ===
* '''Description''': [[Quasiparticles]] associated with the collective excitations of electron spins in a material.
* '''Role''': Play a key role in the study of [[Magnetism]] and magnetic materials.
* '''See also''': [[Spin Waves]], [[Magnetons]]

<sub>''Caption:'' Quasiparticles are collective excitations that behave like particles within a many-body system, providing key insights into the behavior of complex materials.</sub>
=== [[Polaritons]] ===
* '''Description''': [[Quasiparticles]] that result from the strong coupling of photons with another type of excitation in a material (like [[Phonons]] or [[Excitons]]).
* '''Role''': Important in understanding light-matter interactions in materials, particularly in [[Optics]] and [[Photonics]].
* '''See also''': [[Polaron-Polariton]], [[Surface Polaritons]]
=== [[Excitons]] ===
* '''Description''': [[Quasiparticles]] that form when an electron binds to a hole (a missing electron) in a [[Semiconductor]].
* '''Role''': Crucial in the study of semiconductors and light emission in materials like LEDs and solar cells.
* '''See also''': [[Biexcitons]], [[Trions]]
=== [[Plasmons]] ===
* '''Description''': [[Quasiparticles]] associated with collective oscillations of the free electron gas in a material, usually in [[Metals]].
* '''Role''': Important in the study of optical properties of metals and [[Nanophotonics]].
* '''See also''': [[Plasmoids]], [[Surface Plasmons]]
=== [[Polaron]] ===
* '''Description''': A [[Quasiparticle]] representing an electron in a material that is surrounded by a cloud of lattice distortions ([[Phonons]]).
* '''Role''': Important in understanding electron mobility in certain materials, such as [[Ionic Crystals]] and [[Organic Semiconductors]].
* '''See also''': [[Bipolarons]], [[Polaronic Crystals]]
=== [[Fermions]] and [[Bosons]] (as quasiparticles in many-body systems) ===
* '''Description''': In certain condensed matter systems, collective excitations can behave like [[Fermions]] or [[Bosons]], even if the constituent particles are not.
* '''Role''': This helps explain phenomena in complex systems like [[Superconductivity]] ([[Cooper Pairs]] act as bosons) and [[Superfluidity]].
* '''See also''': [[Quasifermions]], [[Quasibosons]]
=== [[Anyons]] ===
* '''Description''': [[Quasiparticles]] that exist in two-dimensional systems with properties that are neither purely fermionic nor bosonic.
* '''Role''': Theoretically significant in [[Quantum Computing]], particularly in [[Topological Quantum Computers]].
* '''See also''': [[Fractional Quantum Hall Effect]], [[Non-Abelian Anyons]]
=== [[Quasiparticles in Fermi Liquids]] ===
* '''Description''': These represent low-energy excitations in a system of interacting [[Fermions]] that behave like non-interacting fermions.
* '''Role''': Crucial in understanding the properties of [[Metals]] and other systems described by [[Fermi Liquid Theory]].
* '''See also''': [[Landau Quasiparticles]], [[Fermi-Dirac Quasiparticles]]

Revision as of 11:04, 22 August 2024


List of Common Quasiparticles





  • Description: Quasiparticles that form when an electron binds to a hole (a missing electron) in a Semiconductor.
  • Role: Crucial in the study of semiconductors and light emission in materials like LEDs and solar cells.
  • See also: Biexcitons, Trions



Fermions and Bosons (as quasiparticles in many-body systems)


Quasiparticles in Fermi Liquids