New Babylon

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New Babylon: The Heart of the Tri-state Area

Skyline of New Babylon

New Babylon is a sprawling Proto Mega-City; the metropolis situated at the epicenter of the Tri-state Area, encompassing the entirety of New York City's five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island), along with significant regions of New Jersey and Connecticut. Renowned for its vibrant culture, economic prowess, and iconic landmarks, New Babylon stands as a beacon of urban life and innovation in the Northeastern United States.


New Babylon's geographical expanse spans across the diverse landscapes of the Tri-state Area, ranging from the towering skyscrapers of Manhattan to the serene suburbs of Connecticut. The region is traversed by the majestic Hudson River and bordered by the vast Atlantic Ocean, offering stunning views and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

Notable Geography Features

  • Hudson River: Once a vital transportation artery, now serves as a symbolic barrier separating New Babylon from the war-torn regions beyond.
  • Atlantic Ocean: Provides a strategic advantage but also poses environmental challenges due to rising sea levels and pollution.
  • Central Park: A sanctuary amidst the chaos, Central Park remains a haven for survivors and a reminder of the city's former glory.
  • Long Island Sound: Offers access to trade routes and serves as a lifeline for the city's dwindling resources.

In the aftermath of World War III, New Babylon's geography has been reshaped by devastation and conflict. While some areas have been left in ruins, others have been transformed into fortified strongholds, reflecting the city's resilience in the face of adversity.


At the heart of New Babylon lies a robust and multifaceted economy driven by a myriad of industries. From the bustling financial district of Wall Street to the burgeoning tech hubs of Silicon Alley, the region is home to a diverse array of businesses and enterprises. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and talented workforce, New Babylon serves as a global economic powerhouse, attracting investment and fostering innovation across various sectors.

Key Industries

Industry Description
Finance Despite the chaos of war, financial institutions in New Babylon continue to operate, albeit under tight security and scrutiny.
Technology Technological innovation remains a driving force, with advancements in cybernetics and biotechnology shaping the city's future.
Entertainment The entertainment industry has adapted to the new reality, offering escapism and distraction in the form of immersive virtual experiences and underground performances.
Tourism While traditional tourism has declined, New Babylon still draws visitors seeking refuge, medical care, and sanctuary within its walls.

In the wake of World War III, New Babylon's economy faces unprecedented challenges, with resource scarcity, infrastructure damage, and geopolitical instability threatening its stability. Yet, amidst the chaos, opportunities for rebuilding and renewal emerge, as the city strives to reclaim its status as a global economic hub.


Diversity is the hallmark of New Babylon's cultural landscape, where a tapestry of traditions, languages, and cuisines converge to create a vibrant mosaic of urban life. The city's renowned cultural institutions, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Apollo Theater, showcase the richness and dynamism of human creativity. From Broadway productions and avant-garde galleries to ethnic festivals and street art, New Babylon offers a kaleidoscope of cultural experiences that captivate the imagination and inspire the soul.

Cultural Institutions

  • Metropolitan Museum of Art: Despite the ravages of war, the museum's collections endure, serving as a testament to humanity's enduring spirit.
  • Museum of Modern Art: Adapting to the new reality, the museum explores themes of resilience, survival, and hope through its exhibitions and programs.
  • Apollo Theater: A symbol of cultural resilience, the theater continues to showcase the talents of performers from diverse backgrounds, inspiring audiences with their creativity and passion.
  • Ellis Island Immigration Museum: Remains a poignant reminder of the city's immigrant heritage and the resilience of those who sought refuge on its shores.

In the aftermath of World War III, New Babylon's cultural scene undergoes a period of introspection and reinvention, as artists, musicians, and performers grapple with the trauma of conflict and the quest for healing and reconciliation.


Navigating the bustling streets of New Babylon is made seamless by its extensive transportation network, which includes subways, buses, ferries, and commuter trains. The iconic yellow taxis and ubiquitous ride-sharing services provide convenient options for getting around the city, while major airports like John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport connect New Babylon to destinations worldwide. Whether commuting to work or exploring the city's myriad attractions, travelers enjoy unparalleled accessibility and convenience.

Major Transportation Hubs

Hub Description
Grand Central Terminal Despite sustaining damage during the war, Grand Central Terminal remains a vital transportation hub, connecting the city to distant regions and serving as a lifeline for refugees and travelers.
Port Authority Bus Terminal Once bustling with activity, the bus terminal now serves as a makeshift shelter for displaced residents and a staging ground for humanitarian efforts.
Penn Station Scarred by conflict but still operational, Penn Station continues to facilitate the movement of goods and people, albeit under heightened security measures.
LaGuardia Airport While damaged by airstrikes, LaGuardia Airport continues to operate limited flights, providing a lifeline for those seeking to escape the chaos of war-torn regions.

New Babylon's transportation infrastructure faces significant challenges, with damage to key facilities and disruptions to supply chains hindering the city's recovery efforts. Yet, amidst the adversity, innovative solutions emerge, as communities band together to rebuild and revitalize their beloved city.


New Babylon boasts an abundance of attractions and landmarks that embody its rich history and vibrant spirit. From the iconic Statue of Liberty and Times Square to the tranquil oasis of Central Park and the architectural marvels of the Brooklyn Bridge and Empire State Building, the city offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Neighborhoods like Greenwich Village, Chinatown, and Harlem each have their own distinct character and charm, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the diverse tapestry of urban life.

Iconic Landmarks

  • Statue of Liberty: A symbol of freedom and resilience, the Statue of Liberty stands as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of war.
  • Empire State Building: Despite sustaining damage, the Empire State Building remains a towering symbol of New Babylon's indomitable spirit and determination.
  • Central Park: Ravaged by conflict but still teeming with life, Central Park serves as a refuge for survivors and a reminder of the city's enduring beauty.
  • Brooklyn Bridge: Scarred by battle but standing strong, the Brooklyn Bridge symbolizes the resilience and unity of New Babylon's people.

In the wake of World War III, New Babylon's iconic landmarks bear the scars of conflict, yet they also serve as symbols of hope and renewal, inspiring residents and visitors alike to envision a brighter future amidst the ruins of the past.

Background Story after 2026

After the tumultuous events of World War III and the subsequent revelation of widespread corruption orchestrated by a clandestine organization known as The Cabal, the once-great city of New York found itself grappling with the harsh realities of betrayal and deceit. As the dust settled and the true extent of The Cabal's influence became apparent, a collective sense of outrage and disillusionment swept through the population.

In the aftermath of the conflict, a group of visionary leaders and activists emerged, determined to reclaim their city from the grip of corruption and oppression. Inspired by the biblical tale of the Tower of Babel—a symbol of human ambition and hubris—the city's rebirth was envisioned as a new beginning, a chance to build a society free from the shackles of corruption and greed.

Thus, the name "New Babylon" was born—a testament to the city's turbulent history and its aspirations for a brighter future. It served as a stark reminder of the sins of the past and a rallying cry for those who sought to forge a new path forward.

In the years that followed, New Babylon became a beacon of hope and resilience in a world scarred by conflict and division. Under the leadership of its newfound champions, the city underwent a profound transformation, as institutions were overhauled, corrupt officials were ousted, and justice was restored.

However, the scars of war and betrayal ran deep, and rebuilding New Babylon proved to be a daunting task. The city's skyline, once a symbol of prosperity and ambition, now bore the scars of conflict, with crumbling skyscrapers serving as a reminder of the price of corruption.

Yet, amidst the ruins, signs of progress began to emerge. Grassroots movements sprang up, advocating for transparency, accountability, and social justice. Community-led initiatives sought to revitalize neglected neighborhoods and empower marginalized communities. And innovative technologies were embraced, paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.

As New Babylon rose from the ashes of destruction, it embraced its newfound identity with pride and determination. No longer beholden to the whims of corrupt elites, the city stood as a shining example of resilience and renewal—a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people and their unwavering commitment to building a better world.