Malefic Trolls

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Special Types of Malefic Trolls[edit | edit source]

Tech Debunkers[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who aggressively target discussions that blend technology with spirituality or metaphysics, mocking the idea that technology could have metaphysical implications.
  • Tactics: Overwhelm conversations with technical jargon and dismiss the metaphysical aspects as pseudo-science or fantasy.
  • Factions: Technomancer Collectives, Digital Shamans

Spiritual Cynics[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who attack the use of technology in spiritual practices, accusing it of degrading or commodifying the sacred.
  • Tactics: Post diatribes about how technology ruins spirituality, claiming tech-spiritual blends are inauthentic.
  • Factions: Technomancer Collectives, Digital Shamans

Blockchain Skeptics[edit | edit source]

Government Plant Trolls[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls that pretend to support decentralization but subtly push narratives that centralization or government regulation is inevitable or safer.
  • Tactics: Raise concerns about security risks in decentralized systems, promoting centralized control as more responsible.
  • Factions: Decentralized Web Enthusiasts, Anonymous Hacktivist Cells

Fiat Loyalists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who aggressively defend traditional financial systems, attacking cryptocurrency advocates as scammers or fools.
  • Tactics: Post mocking comments about the failure of crypto, calling it a Ponzi scheme.
  • Factions: Cryptocurrency Privacy Advocates

Utopia Skeptics[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who belittle utopian movements by calling them naïve, dangerous, or impossible to achieve.
  • Tactics: Use historical failures of similar movements to mock future-oriented visions.
  • Factions: The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist Movement

Anti-Tech Trolls[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who criticize movements reliant on technology, framing it as a negative force.
  • Tactics: Accuse technologists of relying too much on machines to solve problems better solved by human means.
  • Factions: The Venus Project, Off-Grid Tech Innovators

Economy Traditionalists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who undermine alternative economic models by calling them impractical or socialist fantasies.
  • Tactics: Assert that free markets are the only viable economic system, dismissing other approaches.
  • Factions: The Zeitgeist Movement, Mutual Aid Networks

Survivalist Extremists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who invade off-grid discussions, mocking sustainable practices for being too weak and promoting extreme survivalist methods.
  • Tactics: Post hostile comments about how off-grid communities won’t survive unless they adopt violent tactics.
  • Factions: Off-Grid Living Communities

Industry Shills[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who work to discredit environmental movements by promoting corporate interests, downplaying activism as anti-progress.
  • Tactics: Post messages defending big industries and claim regulations will destroy the economy.
  • Factions: Radical Environmentalist Movements

Climate Change Deniers[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who deny the existence or seriousness of climate change, targeting environmental groups.
  • Tactics: Use discredited studies to argue that climate change is a hoax or a natural process.
  • Factions: Radical Environmentalist Movements

New Age Scammers[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who accuse digital shamans or spiritual tech movements of being fraudsters out to scam naive followers for profit.
  • Tactics: Post accusations of scams whenever digital spirituality services are mentioned.
  • Factions: Digital Shamans

Armchair Hackers[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who pretend to have insider knowledge of hacktivist operations but mock real hacktivists for not being aggressive enough.
  • Tactics: Belittle active hackers for only tackling small-scale issues while offering no real solutions.
  • Factions: Anonymous Hacktivist Cells

Postmodern Nihilists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who mock movements like metamodernism for trying to find meaning in a world they claim is inherently meaningless.
  • Tactics: Use irony and sarcasm to dismiss any attempts at finding meaning or connection.
  • Factions: Metamodernist Movement

Reductionist Trolls[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Trolls who dismiss philosophical or cultural movements as overcomplicated, belittling them as mental gymnastics.
  • Tactics: Condense complicated ideas into oversimplified statements to mock intellectual discussions.
  • Factions: Metamodernist Movement, Esoteric Factions