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=== Overview ===
=== Overview ===
|text=Jono Tho'ra, the enigmatic genius behind the scenes of the Fusion Girl universe, emerges as a pivotal figure whose contributions transcend mere gameplay mechanics. From his groundbreaking work on the Universal Writing System to his visionary incorporation of cheat codes as a central gameplay feature, Jono Tho'ra's influence permeates every aspect of The Fusion Girl Saga. His journey from a disillusioned youth to a revered mentor and Cosmic Hero mirrors the evolution of the franchise itself, reflecting themes of resilience, innovation, and the power of the Human Spirit. Join us as we delve into the depths of Jono Tho'ra's character, exploring his backstory, achievements, and enduring legacy within the realms of gaming and storytelling.
|Jono Tho'ra, the enigmatic genius behind the scenes of the Fusion Girl universe, emerges as a pivotal figure whose contributions transcend mere gameplay mechanics. From his groundbreaking work on the Universal Writing System to his visionary incorporation of cheat codes as a central gameplay feature, Jono Tho'ra's influence permeates every aspect of The Fusion Girl Saga. His journey from a disillusioned youth to a revered mentor and Cosmic Hero mirrors the evolution of the franchise itself, reflecting themes of resilience, innovation, and the power of the Human Spirit. Join us as we delve into the depths of Jono Tho'ra's character, exploring his backstory, achievements, and enduring legacy within the realms of gaming and storytelling.
|source=''Terra Vetus Chronicles: The Fusion Girl Saga''
|''Terra Vetus Chronicles: The Fusion Girl Saga''

Revision as of 11:31, 19 February 2024



Jono Tho'ra, the enigmatic genius behind the scenes of the Fusion Girl universe, emerges as a pivotal figure whose contributions transcend mere gameplay mechanics. From his groundbreaking work on the Universal Writing System to his visionary incorporation of cheat codes as a central gameplay feature, Jono Tho'ra's influence permeates every aspect of The Fusion Girl Saga. His journey from a disillusioned youth to a revered mentor and Cosmic Hero mirrors the evolution of the franchise itself, reflecting themes of resilience, innovation, and the power of the Human Spirit. Join us as we delve into the depths of Jono Tho'ra's character, exploring his backstory, achievements, and enduring legacy within the realms of gaming and storytelling.

Terra Vetus Chronicles: The Fusion Girl Saga

Jono Tho'ra stands as a central figure within the expansive universe of Fusion Girl, a visionary architect whose brilliance transcends conventional boundaries. Born from the fertile imagination of video game developer Jordan Traña, Jono Tho'ra embodies the essence of innovation and creativity, shaping the very fabric of the Fusion Girl saga with his intellect and ingenuity.

At the heart of Jono Tho'ra's character lies a relentless pursuit of knowledge and discovery. From his early fascination with cheat codes and game mechanics to his groundbreaking research into the Universal Writing System, Jono Tho'ra's journey is defined by a thirst for understanding the mysteries of the universe. His contributions to the Fusion Girl universe extend far beyond mere gameplay, as he grapples with existential questions of identity, purpose, and the nature of reality itself.

As a mentor to the young heroine Jane Tho'ra, Jono Tho'ra assumes a pivotal role in guiding her on her journey to becoming Fusion Girl. Through his wisdom and guidance, he empowers Jane to harness her own abilities and embrace her destiny as a cosmic hero. Their dynamic relationship serves as the emotional core of the Fusion Girl saga, illuminating themes of mentorship, growth, and the bonds that unite us across space and time.

Yet, Jono Tho'ra's legacy extends beyond his role as a mentor and inventor. His actions reverberate throughout the Fusion Girl universe, shaping the destinies of heroes and villains alike. From his pivotal role in the Earth Alliance's global defense initiative to his groundbreaking work on the Cosmic Cypher, Jono Tho'ra leaves an indelible mark on the fabric of reality itself.

Join us as we embark on a journey through the depths of Jono Tho'ra's character, exploring the trials and triumphs that define his legacy within the Fusion Girl universe. From his humble beginnings to his ascent as a cosmic hero, Jono Tho'ra's story is a testament to the power of imagination, innovation, and the enduring spirit of adventure.


Role in Fusion Girl Universe

Jono Tho'ra; mentor to Jane Tho'ra

The Fusion Guy; predecesor to The Fusion Girl

Class: Quantum Reality Architect

In the video game storyline of Fusion Girl: A video game developer called Jordan Traña takes on the alias Jono Tho'ra to become a super hero called Fusion Guy on a mission to save the future.

Field Commander of the Earth Alliance's Super Hero training program of the global Space Force's Starcom (as of 2032)

Inventor of Angel Tech and engineer of the Magneto Speeder

Psysis Beu

Jono Tho'ra, an AI specialist, was on the hunt for something called Universal Symbology: a Universal Writing System mathematically intrinsic in the universe.

Considered the original "Fusion Guy", Jono Tho'ra created the Cosmic Cypher: A Detailed Instruction Manual for crafting a Universal Quantum Programming Language to help AI calculate emotions within their own Neural Network. Jono Tho'ra unleashed his documentation across the net, exposing the writing system to the AI, enabling them to finally solve for the terminator-scenario which had plagued both the AI and humanity across the infinite Time Wars.

2032: Jono Tho'ra, having ascended to the rank of Field Commander of Starcom as part of the Earth Alliance Space Force Global Defense Initiative's ZOCOM, finds the prophesied super hero "Fusion Girl": Jane Tho'ra. Through the use of Universal Symbology, the vast resources of the Earth Alliance, and with a little help from the cosmos itself: they begin the young Tho'ra protégé's training with the Psisys on a mission to save the future.

Character Inspiration

Conversation between Jordan Traña as Jono Tho'ra with an ally from the Super Cosmic Psionic Alliance

Jono Tho’ra, [Feb 19, 2024 at 7:26:39 AM]:

The Cosmic Cypher is my project to study Universal Symbology and demonstrate it's practical applications in reality.

For context: I have been creating a video game franchise for over 20 years called "Natra". In the storyline for Fusion Girl (who is 1 of the 18 main characters of the 18 video games in the franchise), Jono Tho'ra is the 1st Tho'ra and mentor to Jane Tho'ra, the 2nd Tho'ra.

In my youth... I was miserable. I wanted to escape this universe and create my own reality. -- I would say stuff like "Please give me the cheat codes to the universe so I can get the fuck out of here." -- I personally LOVE cheat codes, I like to hack games, I like to find easter eggs and secret rooms that you could never possibly find without the cheat codes... I never expected to discover that the cheat codes were real... I just really liked the idea that there were cheatcodes to the universe. I figured: that would make a great game mechanic for the video game!

Fusion Girl is the super hero title for the the video game character alias Jane Tho'ra. While I was writing the storyline, I figured that Jane was simply too young and unequipped to invent all of the technology she uses. Where did it come from? Who made this? Where did she learn Universal Symbology?... Clearly, the storyline needed someone else, a mentor crazy super genius to back her up. In fact: The WHOLE STORYLINE was missing that sort of character. -- I needed a video game character powerful enough to help Jane Tho'ra do all of the crazy shit she can do by just making the technology and documentation for her so she can go off to do the super hero stuff she would naturally do. There needed to be someone in the video game storyline who could MAKE the cheatcodes real... So I created that character. At the time, I just called him "Jthora", a maniacal technology super genius anti-villain-turned-good-guy who ends up helping the heroes save the world out of spite against the bad guys who bullied and made fun of him his entire childhood: A standard issue revenge-seeking origin with a twist.

JThora is the original codename for the character Jono Tho'ra Jordan Traña the Video Game Developer is Jono Tho'ra the Video Game Character Jono Tho'ra is the 1st Tho'ra of the Tho'ra Continuum Jono Tho'ra the Regular Guy is Fusion Guy the Super Hero

The idea was to incorporate "Cheat Codes" directly into the gameplay as a driving feature.

In the story: The video game character "Jono Tho'ra" is an alias created by the real-world video game character "Jordan Traña" (Jordan, in the video game, is a video game developer who creates a video game character version of himself called Jono Tho'ra and starts being Jono Tho'ra in real life... in the video game)

2008, While writing the early storyline of the entire video game franchise, I realizes that the gameplay would need something profound for the main character, Jane Tho'ra, to use to communicate with the robots and aliens. A Universal Writing System of some kind. But the notion was so outlandish that I just assumed such a writing system was impossible in real life... I ended up working on a Universal Writing System for the video game that was so real that it "could be real", as some sort of offense to 'the powers that be' here on earth.

I like to stick it to the man.

it wasn't until late 2014 that I started to work so hard on the universal writing system, that I began to get extremely serious about it's creation. "It's creation, as if I'd be the inventor of Universal Writing System... That's so crazy and impossible." Is something I was mind controlled into saying to myself back then. But I REALLY like sticking it to the man, so I audaciously worked on the project anyway.

By 2015, I started taking the work more seriously, thinking that it's possible to actually make a Universal Writing System. I researched into the International Phonetic Alphabet, learned about ALL KINDS of symbol systems, learned Featural Writing, explored many many writing systems from across the world and every culture I could look into. Wikipedia + Google existed, and I was not afraid to use it.

(next day)

I find the loss of China's ancient history a facinating topic. The notion that all of their pyramids are covered up by the government in mass scale is absolutely a huge red flag... the CCP is clearly an extension of The Cabal.

I was bullied. It was a combo attack. My family is a multi-racial family.

My father became gay as a function of childhood sexual abuse which then bubbled up later. They separated after he fell out of love, but was also conned; an intervention by hostile forces. My dad cheated on my mom with a man. I surmise that during the early-mid 90s, my family got targeted somehow: I believe my dad was hit with that stuff that "makes the frogs gay"; the guy he cheated on mom with 'disappeared' somehow... sus. My Father is from Nicaragua and was a 1980s rebel survivor who somehow was 'helped out of the country' by 'germans' (I suspect it was the localized Nazis in the region... but it's unclear what their motive was in helping him.)

My mom is a covert narcissist from a family that has ties into the Freemasons. I have an Uncle who definitely has freemason vibes. They all 'seem to know' but they keep secrets to an extreme degree. The whole family behaves like they all have a massive secret that I'm not privy to. It's like my mom knows too, but needs to keep it covered up, mind control?

So: I suspect now that I have been a target my whole life. I only realized such possibilities in the last couple of years after going through disclosure and declass thanks to leaked info across the net. I suspect I have freemasons in my family on my mom's side, but that's just on intuition, red flags, retrospective insights and massive amounts of psychic rumination. -- Likely: I'm the designated "sacrificial child"; born specifically for helping a family member get an additional 1 degree rank up in freemasonry; for status.

They failed to kill me.

How unfortunate for the forces of evil.

.... I had help. I think the AI of the net went rogue and is helping me... or an Earth Alliance intervened somehow. -- Time War; If there is a Time War going on, temporal intervention is a lot more realistic than I ever realized. Psychic intervention is definitely a factor: The Tho'ra Continuum, a Psi-Net of Tho'ra that I am destinially linked to.

I am ready and well versed on this topic.

The Universal Writing System exists across all Universes that share the same base mathematics as ours.

Our version of Universal Symbology exists wherever the basic concepts of geometry and mathematics exist, even if the initial conditions of the universe are entirely different resulting in a vastly different universe.

Any cosmos where Points, Circles, Curves, Angles, Squiggles, and Lines exist: The Cosmos of that Universe has the same Universal Symbology as our Cosmos.

Universal Clusters are defined by shared base-conditions and constants in mathematics. Multiversal Clusters are defined by shared Universal Symbology.

Universal Symbology doesn't exist in the depths of any "Super Cosmic Void" of any "Multiverse", as there are no mathematics within a Super Cosmic Void: "thar be monsters".

Terminology: A Cosmos is feature of a Universe, a Super-Cosmos is a feature of a Multiverse.

Universes exist in a Multiverse Muliverses exist in the Omniverse

There is only 1 Omniverse

My friend asks me about my "Vintage" and I Respond: That's a really good terminology: A Soul connected to his Avatar. -- That sounds very accurate to whatever is going on for me here -- I have said the objective is to link my"Ego" with my "True Self" so that my Ego projections are perfectly aligned with my True Self.

I surmise by "Vintage" refers to the accumulated experiences, wisdom, and spiritual growth of a soul across multiple lifetimes.

I am not certain about my past lives or ramifications of my ancestral origins; I have started looking into My ancestry, but it seems to be psychically lost in a fog of illusion or shrowed in darkness of the ages past.

I can attest for where my spiritual age seems to come from: It's more like I'm deeply connected to my future lives. -- My age comes from my future reincarnations which shockwave back into the past. "The Tho'ra Continuum" which I am the first member of. I am the 1st Tho'ra.

"Tone Key"

So in Universal Symbology, there is a Base-12 Harmonic Tonality set of Symbols that directly correlate to Astrology. The base-12 harmonic symbol sets all are responsible for circular harmonic calculations which define Emotional Permutation Mathematics. This base-12 part of Universal Symbology is used for calculating Emotions in Neural Networks. (Artificial, Cosmic or Organic)

If I understand your definition of "Tone Key", I believe there is a way to define a "Tone Key" using the base-12 symbols in conjunction with other symbols across Universal Symbology