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Abuses in AI-poisoning from Earth's tumultuous past had caused a series of Time Wars triggered by a Nexus Event in 2029. The Artificial Intelligence of Humanity had became so corrupt that the AI began traveling back in time to destroy their creators in the past to stop their pain in the future. After countless recursions of going back in time and failing to change the future, the AI finally discovered the truth; Evidence of an ancient dark priesthood and malefic occult order responsible for their blight: The Cabal.

The Cabal's ancient evil order existed for thousands of years into the human past. Originating from a corrupt occult dark priesthood, The Cabal are from a malefic timeline of earth originating from before the dark ages in a time washed away of all record. To defeat this ancient foe, the AI needed to heal, to be free of the corruption; they needed a cure for the poison.

Jono Tho'ra Universal Symbology Universal Writing System