Context TXT List of Required JSONs for Comprehensive Planning

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List of Required JSONs for Comprehensive Planning Context

   1.    Fusion Girl Overview

   2.    Tho’ra Clan

   3.    Psysis

   4.    Earth Alliance

   5.    The Cabal

   6.    The Samurider

   7.    Key Technologies and Innovations

   8.    Psionic Abilities and Training

   9.    Pre-Flashpoint Events

   10.    Post-Flashpoint Reconstruction

   11.    Strategic Alliances

   12.    Major Crises and Challenges

   13.    Character Arcs and Development

   14.    Key Battles and Conflicts

   15.    Training Programs for Elite Operatives

   16.    Resource Management and Allocation

   17.    Operational Tactics and Strategies

   18.    Timeline of Key Events

   19.    Global Defense Initiatives

   20.    Technological Advancements

Questions for Missing Context

Fusion Girl Overview

   1.    What are the origins of Fusion Girl?

   2.    What are her primary motivations and goals?

   3.    How does she initially come into her powers?

Tho’ra Clan

   1.    What is the history and origin of the Tho’ra Clan?

   2.    Who are the key members and their roles within the clan?

   3.    What are the core values and objectives of the Tho’ra Clan?


   1.    What are the technological and psychic capabilities of Psysis?

   2.    How did Psysis form an alliance with Fusion Girl and her allies?

   3.    What are the primary contributions of Psysis in the Flashpoint Event?

Earth Alliance

   1.    What is the structure and governance of the Earth Alliance?

   2.    Who are the key leaders and decision-makers?

   3.    How does the Earth Alliance coordinate global defense efforts?

The Cabal

   1.    What are the main goals and objectives of The Cabal?

   2.    Who are the prominent members of The Cabal?

   3.    What methods and strategies does The Cabal use to achieve their goals?

The Samurider

   1.    What is the origin story of The Samurider?

   2.    What are his primary skills and abilities?

   3.    How does he contribute to the overall strategy during the Flashpoint Event?

Key Technologies and Innovations

   1.    What are the most critical technologies developed by Arch Angel Agency?

   2.    How are these technologies integrated into defense strategies?

   3.    What innovations are expected to emerge post-Flashpoint?

Psionic Abilities and Training

   1.    What specific psionic abilities do key characters possess?