Covert Narcissists

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Special Types of Covert Narcissists[edit | edit source]

Enlightened Technologists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Covert narcissists who present themselves as masters of both technology and spirituality, subtly belittling others for their incomplete understanding.
  • Tactics: Dismiss others’ interpretations as basic, positioning themselves as gatekeepers of true technological enlightenment.
  • Factions: Technomancer Collectives

Occult Technophiles[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who claim to have deeper, esoteric knowledge of technological symbols, undermining others by suggesting they don’t understand the mystical side of tech.
  • Tactics: Use occult language to confuse and belittle others, claiming a superior understanding of tech-mysticism.
  • Factions: Technomancer Collectives

Tech-Philanthropist Narcissists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who act as if they are single-handedly pushing decentralization forward, demanding recognition for their efforts.
  • Tactics: Present others' contributions as too small or idealistic, while claiming their own work is the only practical path to success.
  • Factions: Decentralized Web Enthusiasts

Crypto Gurus[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who boast about their success in crypto, dismissing others as amateurs or novices.
  • Tactics: Use their financial gains to assert their superiority in understanding cryptocurrencies.
  • Factions: Cryptocurrency Privacy Advocates

Real Visionaries[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who claim to have grander visions for utopia, undermining existing movements by implying they are shallow compared to their plans.
  • Tactics: Frame criticisms as constructive but constantly one-up others by revealing their own "far superior" visions.
  • Factions: The Zeitgeist Movement, The Venus Project

I Was There First Narcissists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who claim to have been part of a movement long before it became popular, dismissing newer ideas as unnecessary.
  • Tactics: Belittle newer members by claiming they’ve "already done" or understood things before others even arrived.
  • Factions: The Zeitgeist Movement, The Venus Project

Community Saviors[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who position themselves as the sole savior of a mutual aid community, downplaying collective efforts and demanding admiration.
  • Tactics: Present others’ contributions as insignificant compared to their own heroic efforts.
  • Factions: Mutual Aid Networks

Ethical Purists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who insist they are ethically superior, subtly shaming others in mutual aid groups for not living up to their extreme moral standards.
  • Tactics: Criticize others for being morally compromised while positioning themselves as paragons of ethical behavior.
  • Factions: Mutual Aid Networks

Preppers Narcissists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who pride themselves on extreme survivalist skills, belittling others for not being as prepared or hardcore.
  • Tactics: Mock off-grid solutions that rely on any technology or external resources, framing themselves as true survivalists.
  • Factions: Off-Grid Living Communities

Eco-Perfectionists[edit | edit source]

  • Overview: Narcissists who believe their environmental practices are flawless, subtly undermining others by claiming they aren’t doing enough to live sustainably.
  • Tactics: Constantly critique minor infractions in others' sustainable practices, presenting themselves as the ultimate environmentalists.
  • Factions: Off-Grid Living Communities, Radical Environmentalist Movements